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Monday 25 November 2013

Just before 7mmu go  I will tell you about the talent outside school

 There is a lot of talent in 7mmu but first  I'll tell you about harvey Loyd-Williams and Taylor George Ellis who play guitar in lots of places.

Next it's daniels's tech music. He publishes it on a website called Sound Cloud.

there are also people who do cross stich and other needlework.

 And finally, Mrs Muir our  tutor, has made many of the dresses for the musical coming up soon.


                       bye from 7mmu hope to post again soon

Friday 22 November 2013

8DEW Posters

Hello are some pictures of DEW and their posters.....

We will send the posters to you soon.....
Bye for now :))))

Hello from 8 DEW!!

Good morning Snehalaya!!!!  DEW are working on making posters about India today.  We are going to send them to you to put on the walls of your lovely new school.
Here are a few pictures of us...and later, we will send some pictures of our posters.
We hope you are all well, and we send our love!
Debbie and 8DEW :)))

Thursday 21 November 2013

English and graphics  are best subjects Here are some pictures from our lessons
I am so sorry if you can't see the writing.
We were learning about Roald Dahl who has written loads of childrens' books.



We love graphics because we are making cups. Here are the designs we came up with and drew and coloured in.



 This is the last 7MMU part of the blog for now but we will hopefully post some more soon.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Some year 8 pupils receive postcards from pupils from Snehalaya

Some pupils have exchanged postcards with pupils in our partner school. Here some of our year 8 pupils are excited about their post from India. Snehalaya pupils should await a response.......

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Hi and welcome to the 7MMU Blog. In this blog we will be showing what we do during school and outside activities. First of all we will be telling you about a duet called Double Barrel. They are two members of our form who both play guitars and sing different songs. The duet include Harvey Lloyd-Williams and Taylor-George Ellis.Here are a couple of paragraphs that tell you a bit about their background and achievements.

Double Barrel recently entered a competition (that is very well - known in the UK) called Britain's Got Talent! They travelled from Market Harborough to Birmingham on Wednesday 30th October. Unfortunately, their first video audition wasn't good enough, so they didn't get through to the live auditions.

They have entered other competions such as Britian Does Variety (which they got to the regional finals in kettering). and Harbough Got Talent (where they got throung to the finals).

They have competed as solo acts in all other competitions as well as takeing part as a double-act;the competition is known as Junior X Factor.

In Britians Got  Talent they performed Taylor's song Hearts on Fire. Taylor-George has written other songs such as Maybe,With You and many more.

This is the video of the song they sang for their Britan's Got Talent.